Welcome to the Shaw General Store online!

A walk through the door of the Shaw General Store is like a walk back in time. If ever a store had character, this is the one. Started in 1898, it is one of the oldest businesses in the San Juan Islands and in Washington State. Situated right on the water, it offers breathtaking views.
Our store, is a piece of rustic island history. The original island fir floors have been burnished to their former luster, complementing the unique antique furnishings and island memorabilia.
Local is what we do. We roast our own coffee from a roaster that was invented by an islander, we have hundreds of local products and support as many local farmers and artisans as we can. From wine to sea salt, from fresh vegetables to ice cream we believe islanders make and grow the best products.
Located right at the Shaw Island ferry landing, with a small marina, we have been called the best store for boaters in the San Juan Islands. Easy access and friendly, personal service await your boating or ferry visit to the Shaw General Store.